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What You Should Know


Hey Bloggers! Dance Unlimited is a brand new blog run by two girls who have a great passion for dance, doesn't matter what kind! We are students at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pa and this blog page is a project for a Multimedia Storytelling class.


On our blog we wish to give you guys everything you need, want and love about dance! We've got a lot to offer you guys and hope you have a lot to offer us! We would love feedback from all of you checking out the site, so show us and dance some love!


A little more about us individually...


Chynna: Hey guys! I'm a senior Communication Major at Mercyhurst University. I love photography, blogging, sports and yes, of course, dance! For 9 years I did gymnastics as a youngin', after that I moved into cheerleading, both competitive and for football and basketball from junior high all throughout high school. In college I played a year of softball and after that I decided to dance for a profession indoor football team, Erie Explosion, as an ERIEsistable for two years. Now, sadly, I am remaining focused solely on school and deciding what I wish to do after graduation in May!


Brianna: Hey, I'm Bri! I'm a Communication: New Media Major, with Minors in Creative Writing and Theatre. I attend Mercyhurst University. I am highly involved on campus within the Theatre Program, Communication Department, and the REC Center, along with other random clubs and activities here and there. I was a cheerleader for 16 years. Within those years I have competed, and cheered both bascketball and football. I am also a certified Zumba fitness instructor of almost 3 years. I love music and anything, and everything dance! I DJ on the side as a fun thing to do, and have grown up with music always around me.


This blog speaks my thoughts, my knowledge, and my passion with dance. I encourage you to follow us here, and on Twitter and Facebook. E-mail or message us with anything and everything you think and have to say about our blog! We ecnourage it.




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